Thank you Lord Jesus for breaking my chains and saving me from the bondage of sin.
I grew up in a family where drugs and alcohol was accepted and at points a normal thing you do to function. My mother and my father were both addicted to drugs and my life as a kid resulted with crime and bad behavior. I never experienced the love that Jesus shows me and I looked for anything that would fill the void. At eight years old I was taking away from my mother by the state and at thirteen my father passed away. Drugs came into the picture around that age and I began to build my empire on a foundation of pride. I began selling drugs and became an everyday user. At the age of twenty one I started heroin. Satan had me deceived and I believed his lie for many years. I remember the Lord calling me to him while in my addiction, he put many people into my life and now I see he has been calling me my whole life. I never knew what God was or who we was. I recall sitting with an ex girlfriend and saying to her “how do I get God”. The Lord put a hunger to receive him but I turned my back and continued building my life on a lie.
It wasn’t until I was homeless and ran out of all ideas for me to be willing to receive the grace and mercy of Jesus. The father drew me to his son and I encountered the forgiveness and love of Jesus for the first time on Sept. 25, 2015. I was moved to deep sorrow and repentance from my heart. I cried for his mercy and love and I gave my life to Christ. My life was changed that night and I will never forget the feeling and experience I had. I knew I would never be the same again, I knew I was forgiven and I knew that Jesus was alive. From that day I began to learn more about the Lord by getting in his word. He showed me who he was and what he did for me. Jesus died for me at Calvary and now stands at victory over my enemy. He said “ It is finished” - John 19:30. We are redeemed, it was paid in full on the cross. Thank you Lord Jesus! Before I came to Christ I shot heroin with my mother everyday. Now the Lord has transformed me and my mother. Instead of her sending me lets gets high messages, she sends me scriptures. Thank you Lord Jesus!
I was homeless and hopeless, no one wanted to be around me. Now I am apart of a recovery ministry, and have great fellowship with guys like me. Thank you Lord Jesus! I had no future, was unemployable and didn’t know anything else but to get one more bag. Now I work full time and go to college full-time for Behavior Health. Thank you Lord Jesus! I stand at victory over everything in my life. The Lord has transformed my life and my family members around me. He has giving me the light to share with the world and the power to heal the nations. Praise goes to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings! I am a child of the Most High! He is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, he wants to send us a blessing instead of a curse -Joel 2:12. I yearn for the day I will meet him and hear, “Good and faithful servant”. Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations. -Revelation 22:1.
My name is Zachary Green and Jesus has transformed my life and has giving me eternity. He gives me peace and his love is so amazing. If you haven’t experienced the love of the Lord Jesus, “knock and it will be open, seek and it will be found, ask and you will receive!”