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Schedule of Jesus Christ Block Parties

2025 Season


We would be honored for you to join us in the streets of
Philadelphia evangelizing to addicted, homeless and families
in the communities of Philadelphia.
If you would like to volunteer please contact Pastor Chuck through email or call 215-908-8152


Jesus Week
7/19 - Center City Walk of Faith, Pastor Lou
7/26 - McPherson Park, Pastor Lou


Jesus Christ Block Parties
5/17 - Broad & Snyder (Evangelism)
5/31 - 9th & Cantrell Street, Philly, PA
6/14 - 4223 Chippendale Street, Philly, PA (Susan)
6/26 - Oasis Church - Ella & Tioga Street Philly PA 19124
6/28 - 1625 Filmore Street, Philly, PA
7/18 -  Overton Park, Philly, PA
7/24 - 4th & LeHigh Street, Philly, PA
7/26 - McPherson Square, Philly, PA - Pastor Lou
8/9 - 2245 Simon Street, Philly, PA - Valerie Todd
8/16 - One Cross Church 12th & Lehigh St, Philly, PA - Pastor Willy
(book bags)
8/23 - Ella & Tioga Street Philly, PA 19124, Pastor Rob Rojos
8/30 - Philly Harvest, 4011 G Street, Philly - Pastor Sandro
9/6 - 4304 Teesdale Street, Philly - Brandon - Note: (rain date 9/13)
9/20 - One Cross Church, 12th & Lehigh (Pastor Will)

Coffee Houses


On the third Saturday of every month, we host a coffee house.


It's a time of fellowship, worship and testimonies. Come join us:

Fellowship Hall of Calvary Chapel
Gloucester County, Blackwood, NJ. 7-10 pm. 


How Can You Get Involved?


Set up and breakdown, cooking, etc.



Being present to fellowship and pray with people is always needed.



Donations are always appreciated and will enable us to continue providing food and entertainment for these events.

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